Treasures can be tangible or non-tangible. This post is about my ‘tangible’ treasures…
I’m a very sentimental soul, and family is my everything. I have my family here on earth, I have my heavenly family that one day I’ll see again, and then the ultimate family- The Trinity. My momma, daddy, and one of my brothers are all gone from this earth. Not a day goes by where my mind wonders to the sweet thoughts of them. I wear 2 things everyday that I hold as my most precious treasures. My wedding band was my momma’s, and a necklace with a baby’s ring on it, my brother Dale’s baby ring. Nothing tangible can compare. I miss them daily, but I wear them with honor and humility. Run with the angels Phillip Dale…
Month: August 2019
Such a Sad Affair
The young man that wrote this in 2006 passed away June of 2010 of liver failure after years of drinking. He was in his 30’s. A candle in the wind… GOODBYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE You made me puke You made me laugh You made me shake You made me warm You made me bleed You made me smile You made me Read More
Inspiration from Rosa…
My friend, Rosa, inspires all those that have the opportunity to interact with her. Such a gentle soul… My God given blessing to be her friend, I pass her inspiration and wisdom on. Again, Rosa touches lives… and the cycle goes on… Rosa you are my friend, confidant, inspiration and at times, my counselor. I’m Read More